
Brookie Designs offers accessories made to order by Threadless.

Lookin’ Fishy

  • Brook Trout Pattern Neck Gaiter

    Brook Trout Neck Gaiter

    Blend in with Brook Trout by sporting this neck gaiter. The Brook Trout neck gaiter is designed to replica the vermiculations found on a brookie’s back.

  • Mend your line cartoon shirt

    Mend It, Mend It, Mend It

    If you haven’t heard it once, you’ve heard it three times: mend it. When fly fishing fast water it’s important to keep that line floating so that it goes right to the fish.

  • Shirt with It's a Bobber cartoon

    Call It Bobber

    If you call that little ball on your line a Bobber, then this shirt is for you! If you call it an indicator, well then that shirt is coming later.